Action Research Feedback

When I began the Masters program I wrote a paper on the impact of technology integration on adult education and corporate training. With the knowledge, tools and technology I acquired during my major emphasis I created a curriculum that transformed a “passive, sit in a circle and talk” group study into an interactive and engaging discussion group. Creating a wiki, updating the groups web page, incorporating video clips and e-mail messages/reminders into the curriculum and operations of the study group have increased interest, participation and productivity.

Initially, I attempted to gather formal feedback from group participants by passing out a simple four question survey but did not garner the response I was hoping for. The hard copy of the survey had the URL for the online version of the survey printed at the bottom for those that wished to submit their responses electronically. Most participants answered “yes” or “no” and did not provide any comments as requested when completing the paper version. The online survey received fewer responses. After making personal inquiries I learned that because I passed out the hard copy of the survey at the end of the study session, most people quickly marked a response in order to leave. The feedback I received from participants about the online survey was that the URL (generated by Survey Money) was too long and complicated to type and access. From that information I created a link to the survey on the wiki’s home page and study resources page – two pages that all of the participants access on a regular basis. Once I made the changes I received two more responses that provided detailed comments, but the overall response rate – less than 40% – is not acceptable for me.

Since I know the participants personally, I have decided to create and send an e-mail with more specific questions to elicit feedback regarding the study group. In the case of non-responders, I plan to conduct a personal interview with them. I believe that if I pose the right questions I will get the detailed, comprehensive feedback I’m looking for. Wish me luck!