Grantwriting & Me

During my undergraduate studies at UWT I was part of a group called “Community Builders” which focused on philanthropy, community involvement and volunteerism. My community work and desire to continue to serve my community after graduation led me to complete a minor in Non-Profit Management in addition to my major in Business Administration. I felt compelled to learn all I could about non-profit work and even thought at one time that I would establish a non-profit myself.

My coursework in non-profit studies included grantwriting which I applied to the work I was doing for an area non-profit organization. I submitted five grant proposals/applications on their behalf and two were successful. They weren’t for “big bucks,” but the funding enabled the organization to further its goals.

Below are links to web sites that I feel are valuable resources for anyone interested in grantwriting. It is a sometimes arduous process that can be confounding without proper guidance or tools to make it as pain-free as possible, but can also be rewarding when your hard work pays off.
This site is a wonderful resource for the beginner grantwriter as well as the experienced grantseeker. The site provides tutorials, a sample inquiry letter and proposal, as well as advice from funders on preparing a successful grant proposal.

Technology Funding Sources and Grant Writing
Texas Instruments provides a valuable resource for those seeking grants for technology. The site offers grant writing tips and resources, a guide to federal and private funders, as well as advice from successful grant seekers.

Northwest Educational Technology Consortium
This site provides resources to individuals or organizations seeking federal funding through the U.S. Department of Education for educational technology grants.