My Vision

Our church burned down last year and this year we broke ground on our restoration project. The new building will have an enlarged sanctuary, more classrooms than before and a state of the art audio/visual system. I see us moving into a new building with a restored faith and a genuine enthusiasm for the work we are called to do.

I see our Christian Education department enhanced with the integration of technology and the Word of God. I see the children in our Vacation Bible School classes learning with the technology they use in their social life and will use in their future vocations. I see increased participation, collaboration and a renewed passion in our Bible Study classes with the incorporation of technology. I see our Sunday School classes connecting outside of our Sunday morning sessions. I see the church’s web site enhanced to become a “one-stop shop” for all of our ministries and a portal of outreach to our community.

I see an awesome opportunity awaiting Eastside Baptist Church and am blessed to be a part of it.

Culture, Community, Connection

Another insightful video that talks about the relationship between Man and Earth as well as the importance of the preservation and diversity of culture. Through the use of technology – the Internet, satellite broadcasts, digital imaging – we can examine, appreciate and work together to preserve our rich cultural beliefs and practices as well as share them with future generations. This and other great videos can be found at TED.