Podcasting – Things to See

Podcasts are video broadcasts that can be viewed on your computer, iPod or other personal video devices. iTunes has a free download that helps you organize, browse, subcribe and share podcasts. There are also other podcast directories available on the Internet that you can find with Google or your favorite search engine. Below are a couple of podcasts and their web sites that I found interesting and an online podcast directory:

  • GeekcastOnline – This podcast is hosted by Aaron Crocco and he provides how-to segments and the latest tech news available.
  • Blogging, Podcasting and Vidcasting – This podcast is hosted by Sherman Hu and he simplyfies and demystifies technology with how-to’s and time-saving tips.
  • Digital Podcast – This is a podcast directory that has a wealth of podcasts on a variety of topics. Caution: iTunes filters out inappropriate content where other sites may not. For example, one of the the categories listed on Digital Podcast is “erotica” and you may not want your child or student browsing that topic.

What’s Out There?

Wikipedia defines Web 2.0 as “the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design that aim to enhance creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web.” I found a great site that houses links to many sites that provide tools, services, software and information related to Web 2.0. The site is Go 2 Web 2.0 and is very visual and user-friendly. It can seem overwhelming at first because by default it displays every site out there and there are a gazillion of them! You can focus your search by topic using the search dialog box or selecting from the tag cloud which is my preference. When you move your cursor over a site you get a brief description of the site, but if you click on it you get a more detailed description and link to the site below. Check it out!!