Technology & Me

Before last weekend, if you had asked me if I was technology savvy, I would have answered “yes.” I’ve taught computer applications to adults. A co-worker once “forced” me to repair my own CPU so that I wouldn’t be “afraid of the inside of my computer” and I’m not. I am not a hardware expert, but I’ve installed DVD/CD drives and replaced a hard drive or two because I crashed them (oh yeah, that’s another blog).

I’ve resumed my studies toward completing my Master’s in Education and after my first class in my emphasis – Technolgy, Curriculum and Instruction – I’ve realized that, yes, I can hold my own when it comes to software applications but I am not technology savvy. Now I know that being technology savvy means knowing how to use the computer and Internet to serve you and not become a servant to it. I’ve been introduced to wonderful concepts such as web 2.0 and social bookmarks as well as different online tools available to enhance instruction and collaboration like Skype and iChat. The fact that you are reading this blog is a testament to my excitement about the various technology I’ve been introduced to in class. I have never written a blog before! I knew what blogs were, but thought of them as a digital diary – people sharing their thoughts or family happenings. I’ve never been the type to keep a journal – never – and here I am sharing “me” with the world.

I am excited about my anticipated growth – intellectually and personally – from my studies and the dynamic implications that the use of technology has on the classroom experience and education. I look forward to learning and doing more with technology in developing curriculum, creating lesson plans and providing instruction that fosters an exciting and effective learning environment. I’ve only been introduced to the “tip of the iceberg” and I am eagerly looking forward to discovering the many layers beneath the surface.